In the following link you can find the message of greetings published in the newsportal of KKE in greek:

CPA fraternal greeting to the 21st Congress of the KKE

Dimitris Koutsoumbas

General Secretary Communist Party of Greece, KKE

By email:


Dear comrades,

On behalf of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) please accept our sincere greetings to the 21st Congress of the KKE. We wish you a successful discussion of all Congressional matters and the election of new committees. 

We hope the outcome of your Congress will further reinforce and stimulate your party’s work in building a united workers’ movement in Greece against capitalism and imperialism. While it may seem to the ordinary worker, in both of our countries, that the COVID pandemic has brought about new challenges beyond anyone’s control, as Marxist-Leninists it becomes our duty to expose the systemic failure of capitalism in this crisis as in other socio-economic crises. The exemplary response to the pandemic in communist-led countries and regions of the world provide a forceful and successful alternative to capitalism that must be presented to the working class; a working-class that in its desperation has started looking towards ultra-right forces. 

We wish you even more success in your future electoral work, at the regional, national and EU level, your work amongst trade unions, your work in uniting the struggles of farmers, of students and of women. 

The CPA offers its solidarity in all of KKE’s struggles and looks forward to the outcome of its 21st Congress. 


Yours in socialism, 

Vinnie Molina 

Party president

International Department

Communist Party of Australia

2nd June 2021