In the following link you can find the message of greetings published in the newsportal of KKE in greek:


Dear comrades,

On behalf of the Communist Party of Ireland I extend warmest revolutionary anti-imperialist greetings to the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of Greece.

Your congress is taking place at a time of acute struggles by the people around the globe and in the conditions of a global pandemic that has affected the lives of billions of workers and peasants.

The forces of imperialism continue the drive to war, both large and small. As well imperialism is driving our planet to an environmental abyss. The system of monopoly capitalism is not capable of resolving its growing contradictions, and its actions are an expression of its growing economic weakness rather than an expression of its economic power.

We know that your 21st Congress will be another significant contribution to advancing the KKE and the Greek working class as a whole, to strengthening the anti-EU forces not just inside Greece but throughout the EU member-states.

We are sure that this 21st Congress will mark a strengthening of your party at all levels and with the mass organisations of the people, particularly the Greek working class.

In anti-imperialist solidarity,


Eugene McCartan

General Secretary

Communist Party of Ireland