In the following link you can find the message of greetings published in the newsportal of KKE in greek:


Marxism-Leninism Today ( the online journal  of Marxist-Leninist thought, based in the US, salutes the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) which is celebrating 100 years of struggle for the emancipation of the working class.
Your party has a proud history of struggle on every conceivable terrain: whether armed struggle against Nazi occupation in World War II, war against postwar imperialist intervention by the UK and US,  the battle against the military dictatorship in the 1970s, or in normal times,  militant trade union and electoral struggles.  

Since 1989-91 and the downfall of socialism in  Europe,  those KKE traditions of struggle have been put to the test as never before. Whereas some Communist  parties  succumbed to the capitalist ideological offensive and took a reformist path, KKE held firm. The KKE withstood the tremendous ideological pressures  stemming from the downfall of European socialism. 
Your party  devotes exceptional attention to ideological struggle , above all, the ideological struggle against reformism and all forms of opportunism. 
For this reason, at our website we frequently re-post KKE articles, which always show theoretical seriousness and depth.
We live in a world of sharpening Inter-imperialist rivalry. The war danger is ever-present. In our own country, the new US Administration is as  big a threat to world peace as its predecessor.  The outmoded, crisis-wracked capitalist system cannot adequately cope with its usual economic and political crises,  let alone  with any great new crisis, such as the  Covid-19  pandemic. The working people are the pandemic’s  main victims. Capitalism’s inability to provide for the  urgent needs  of working people for elementary health care protections is yet another sign that capitalism’s time is past and  the day of  its revolutionary replacement by socialism is drawing near.