In the following link you can find the message of greetings published in the newsportal of KKE in greek:


Dear comrades,

The Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party) sends warmest comradely greetings to the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) which will be held in Athens on June 24 to 27, 2021,

The PKP-1930 and other communist and workers' parties will always be grateful to the KKE for its great role in initiating the regroupment, reorganization and further development of the international communist movement after the triumph of the counter-revolution in the USSR and the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The KKE's sponsorship of most of the annual International Meetings of Communist and Workers' Parties since 1999 is an affirmation of the KKE's deep sense of self-sacrifice for the development of proletarian internationalism.

The vast and valuable experience accumulated by the KKE over the past century of its ideological–political struggles, has enriched its programmatic conceptions of socialism-communism. The KKE's programmatic conceptions were important inputs during the past decade for the present international communist movement, drawing attention to the need to open up the way for the overthrow of capitalism everywhere. These conceptions shared by the KKE have become an input to a re-study, during the past decade, of the programmatic vision of a transitional stage towards socialism in a developing country. Given the uneven development of capitalism, there was also greater realization that there was no longer a “nationalist” bourgeoisie in opposition to imperialism, and that “national” democracy (with a role to be given to a “nationalist” bourgeoisie) was no longer viable as a transitional stage towards socialism. A new conception of an anti-capitalist people's democracy was formulated for our reality as a developing country.

In a number of issues, the KKE's ideological-political positions have served as a guide for the forging of joint statements and joint declarations of communist and workers' parties. SOLIDNET, as maintained by the KKE, serves as an international lifeline for communist and workers' parties. For all the services of the KKE to the International Communist Movement for the past 3 decades, we therefore wish the KKE greater successes, and its 21st Congress a new source of strength and unity.

We are confident that the KKE's 21st Congress will further stimulate the formation of militant KKE groups and cells in the trade union and other social movements in Greece, extend and deepen the KKE's ideological–political influence on the people of Greece, bring more victories for the KKE's electoral struggles, and strengthen the KKE's leading role in the Social Alliance of the working peoples in an anti-capitalist and anti-monopoly direction, in order to open up the way for the construction of workers’ power, of Socialism–Communism.

We wish all the office-bearers to be elected by the KKE's 21st Congress greater strength, perseverance and audacity, as they demonstrate the distinct role of the KKE as the vanguard of the workers and of the people of Greece.

Long live the KKE ! Long live proletarian internationalism !

With communist greetings,


General Secretary