In the following link you can find the message of greetings published in the newsportal of KKE in greek:


 Dear Comrade   Dimitris Koutsoumpas

     General-Secretary of KKE


The South African Communist Party (SACP) sends its solidarity  and warm fraternal greetings to the KKE on the occasion of the its 21st Congress.

The 21st Congress of KKE takes place a critical period and in the midst of the worst all-round intersecting crises of the system of capitalism and exacerbated by the ensuing health crisis borne out of the worldwide corona pandemic.

Today, we witness grave threats to world peace and humanity posed by the accumulated arrogance of United States imperialism and its allies. The region of the Middle East is an center of this grave threat as the Zionist Israeli government has unleashed its worst – but predictable military might against the Palestinians.

In all of these challenges, we’ve witnessed consistent and determined struggles led and waged by communists and workers parties and the KKE has been at the forefront of these struggles both in Greece and abroad. The coordination of communist and workers parties over the period have indeed provided a critical platform through which these struggles have found expression and gain much needed momentum.

We also commend the KKE long and determined struggles against NATO and EU imperialism. We particularly note the concerted struggles waged against austerity programs of the EU which has now been extended to much of the ‘developing world’ as the consequences of the pandemic expose the unsustainability of a profit-driven health and social welfare programs of the capitalist states.

We salute your all-round concerted struggle, together with the mobilisation of the working class and forge alliances with the self-employed and others on the margins of our societies against monopoly capital – in all its manifestations with the objective of winning state power for the working class and building socialism.


Socialism is the future!