In the following link you can find the message of greetings published in the newsportal of KKE in greek:


To: Communist Party of Greece

Communist Party of Swaziland’s solidarity message to the 21st Congress of the KKE

The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) conveys its revolutionary greetings to all the delegates at the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and sends great wishes for a successful Congress. We also salute the Central Committee’s leadership role since the 20th Congress which ensured a strong and resilient Party while organising and uniting the working class, and we also send our great wishes to the leadership to emerge from the 21st Congress.

The critical role played by your Party in the international struggle for the defeat of imperialism is etched in the Party’s over 100 years of existence. Over the years, your Party has accumulated vast and valuable experience in the field of ideological–political struggle and intervention in the people's struggles, and in the process was able to constantly strengthen itself while adapting to changing conditions over time. 

The CPS supports your Party’s determined drive towards the mobilisation and strengthening of the labour movement and the establishment of the Social Alliance of the working class with the urban and rural self-employed. Indeed, it is crucial that our Parties work collaboratively in organising all anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist forces for the establishment of a socialist world. Likewise, it is crucial that relentless fights be waged against backward institutions such as absolute monarchies, as is the situation in our country, and such institutions be totally overthrown in order for the working masses to fully take charge of their own destiny. We are highly appreciative of the solidarity role played by the KKE in our struggle against the absolute monarchy and its imperialist handlers over the years. We must continue to work together to strengthen relations between our two parties in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism. 

The people of Swaziland continue to fight against the absolute monarchy which has eroded the quality of life in the country throughout its 48-year rule. The regime has virtually destroyed the economy, including health and education, and many Swazis have been pushed into extreme poverty, with over a third of the population desperately needing urgent food aid to go through each day. Further, the regime has used the Covid-19 pandemic to spread its violence on the masses to further curtail all freedoms, with the aim of deepening its stranglehold on power. The CPS demands unconditional unbanning of political parties, unconditional release of political prisoners, unconditional return of political exiles and the right to freedom of movement, speech and association. 

Once again, the CPS wishes great success to the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of Greece and sends its revolutionary regards to the leadership to emerge from it.
Communist Regards
Thokozani Kenneth Kunene
General Secretary
CPS 4th Congress Central Committee